Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ricardo Vivancos Pérez se presenta en GMU:Radical Chicana Poetics (Literatures of the Americas)

Hoy desde la 1.00 pm.  Ricardo Vivancos Pérez se presenta en la universidad GMU ( Fairfax VA). Lugar: Sub 1 Room 334.
Esta es una breve sinopsis del libro:
In This Bridge Called My Back, Gloria Anzaldúa wrote: "A woman who writes has power. A woman who writes is feared. In the eyes of the world this makes us dangerous beasts." Her statement marked a moment of collective self-recognition. Radical Chicana Poetics considers this moment as a point of entry into Chicana writings. By offering a comparative analysis of works by Anzaldúa, Cherríe Moraga, Ana Castillo, Emma Pérez, Alicia Gaspar de Alba, and Sandra Cisneros, this book elucidates the subtle differences among them in relation to contemporary cultural production and feminist activism. Additionally, this book addresses questions of positionality and ethics for the Chican@ studies scholar.

Para tener mayor información acerca del libro ir a los siguientes enlaces :

Breves datos del autor:
Ricardo F. Vivancos Pérez is an Associate Professor at George Mason University, USA. He specializes in Latina/o and Latin American studies, Exile studies, and Feminist theories.

Los esperamos.

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